Acute Otitis Media
Ear Infections and Paediatric Chiropractic Care: Chiropractors like myself who have a special interest in Paediatric cases commonly see patients daily who present with a variety of non-specific symptoms such as irritability, poor sleep, and poor feeding. A detailed history and close physical examination of these cases can help to [...]
Manipulation and Mobilisation of the mid back help chronic neck pain and movement
I recently discovered a research paper from Thailand published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science that researched the effect that spinal manipulation of the thoracic spine (mid back) has on chronic neck symptoms. After finding this article I delved a bit deeper, looking into other similar articles about this [...]
People with chronic neck pain walk with a stiffer spine.
Recently I discovered an article online which researched a simple but important aspect of spinal health and motion. In a study entitled “People with chronic neck pain walk with a stiffer spine” the researchers studied whether people with chronic neck pain walked with less rotation of their body. Essentially when [...]
The Irritable Baby
The Irritable Baby Infantile colic is a common early childhood condition that affects approximately one in six infants and is characterised by ‘inconsolable crying and fussing in otherwise healthy thriving infants’1. There has never been agreement about how to diagnose colic due to the fact that there are many different [...]
Acupuncture Research and Evidence Based Practice
One of the great pleasures in my professional life is exploring and reading the latest research articles available on acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 2017, a systematic review of the latest research into acupuncture was updated by Dr. John McDonald and Stephen Janz as part of the Acupuncture Evidence [...]
Persistent Concussion Symptoms and Neck Problems – Part 1
Impairment to neck function Over the last few years, there appears to be a greater level of awareness and interest in concussion and the changes which occur in the body post-concussion. In this 3 part article, I would like to discuss Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms (PPCS) and how the neck may [...]
Persistent Concussion Symptoms and Neck Problems – Part 2
Reduced quality of life in children and adolescents with post-concussion symptoms As I discussed in part 1 of this article there is an increased general awareness regarding concussion and how concussion patients should be managed. We also looked at the number of children and adolescents suffering from Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms [...]
Persistent Concussion Symptoms & Neck Problems – Part 3
Treatment directed towards the neck helps to reduce pain and improve function in patients with post-concussion symptoms In the first 2 articles, I have written on this topic we have learned from recent research that patients who suffer from symptoms after a concussion, commonly known as Persistent Post Concussion Syndrome [...]
Chronic Low back Pain.
Recently I found an informative article about the benefits of Myofascial release, specifically the reduction in EMG activity (spasm) of the low back musculature (Erector Spinae) and pain severity. A recent journal article from February 2019 published in the Journal of Clinical Biomechanics studied a group of 36 people with [...]
Headache and Manipulation
Recently I found a research paper conducted by a group of physiotherapists in America which compared the effectiveness of manipulation versus mobilisation and exercise for treatment of headache amongst a group of 110 people. The primary outcome measured in this study was the patient’s headache intensity. Patients were asked to [...]
Teens and Technology
For this month’s column I found an interesting article online about spinal pain in adolescents and its relation to computer and tablet usage. This study was performed in Brazil, a country which due to government programs has seen a great increase in computer usage throughout all schools over the last [...]
How I Roll
I’ve discovered over the years especially before and after a gym workout that people will commonly use a foam roller to self-massage. This apparently has benefits to the individual and seems to be a way a person will manage muscle soreness pre and post workout. I’ve always been a [...]