Acupuncture for Pain
This month I’ll turn my attention to an article I found online researching the effects of acupuncture for the treatment of stomach pain. Even though this article focused on acupuncture, the results of this study help explain why other manual methods may produce beneficial results in patients. Acupuncture has been [...]
How Many Bones?
For this month’s article I was inspired by a Halloween competition we ran at the clinic. The question was how many bones are there in the adult human body. The answer is 206. Additionally there is a network of other structures that connect the bones together, this system performs a [...]
The Spinal Column
Following on from last months column about bones, this month I thought I’d discuss some interesting facts about the spine. The spinal column has 3 very important functions. It supports the body’s weight, provides flexibility for movement and protects the spinal cord and the nerve roots from damage. As babies, [...]
Last month I was part of a rehabilitation panel at the Safety institute of Australia conference in Darwin. Whenever I’m involved in a return to work case one of the major aspects of the patients care that I tend to focus on is ergonomics. Ergonomics is a very important aspect [...]
5 Common Causes of Neck Pain
5 Common Causes of Neck Pain. Neck pain can be acute or chronic but regardless, when you're in pain, relief is the first thing on your mind. Just as important as relief, of course, is finding the cause and ensuring you avoid the behaviour that brought the pain on in [...]
Cycling completely changes the weight distribution through your muscles and spine, and also bends the spine into an unnatural position. The neck in particular must compensate so that you can see where you are going. In a poor riding position this can be quite extreme; like standing and staring up [...]
Skills of a Chiropractor
Whether its performed by hand or by an instrument the manual skills of a Chiropractor to perform an adjustment (manipulation) is a vital part of what differentiates Chiropractors from other professionals that deal with the spine. As a profession we are always aiming to be specific. Meaning that through conducting [...]
National Spinal Week, “get you happy back”
National Spinal Health Week ran from the 25th to 31st of May and this year the CAANT were encouraging people to ‘Get Their Happy Back’. Every day more Australians experience low back pain, neck pain and headaches, limiting their ability to work and engage in an active healthy life. One [...]
You’re In Good Hands
You’re in good hands. This month I’d like to discuss the risks of injury with chiropractic care. In clinical practice we still encounter patients who are apprehensive about receiving care, specifically in relation to spinal manipulation. This is particularly the case if the patient is older and suffer from common [...]
Self Manipulating Spine
I click my own neck, what more can a Chiropractor do? Lots of people click their own necks; sometimes for relief, sometimes for dramatic effect, sometime just because they can, often without trying to. But what is the difference between clicking it yourself and a Chiropractor doing it? The need [...]
Back Pain with Leg Pain
A recent study has shown sustained chiropractic care and home exercises produced better outcomes for back related leg pain (BRLP) than home exercise alone1. BRLP can be quite disabling, with an estimated 3 million Australians having back problems, including 0.2 million with sciatica2 . The study published in the Annals [...]
Paracetomal 2014
This month I’d like to focus on an Australian research article recently published in The Lancet1, one of the most highly respected medical journals world-wide. This study compared over 1600 people with low back pain, one third took a regular daily paracetamol dose (3990mg), one third took a paracetamol dose [...]